Holla guys and gals! Recently I hired a math tutor to guide me with some topics in algebra. My problem areas included topics such as please help me find some binomial probabilities examples and fractional exponents. Now that instructor turned out to be so dumb , that instead of helping me now I’m even more confused than I used to be. I still can’t crack problems on those topics. And the exam time is fast approaching . I need someone to help me out. Is there anything significant that can be done to get some sort of help? I have a good set of questions to help me learn these topics, but the problem is I just can’t solve them, no matter how much I try . Please help!
I could help you if you can be more specific and give more details about please help me find some binomial probabilities examples. A proper program would be ideal rather than a costly math tutor. After trying a number of program I found the Algebrator to be the best I have so far found . It solves any math problem that you may want solved. It also explains all the steps (of the solution). You can just copy it as your homework . However, you should use it to learn algebra, and simply not use it to copy answers.
Welcome aboard dear. This subject is very interesting, but you need to know your basics and techniques first. Algebrator has guided me a lot in my course. Do give it a try and it will work for you as well .
All, Thanks a lot for the replies that you have given . I just had a look at the Algebrator available at: https://mathisradical.com/decimals-and-their-equivalent-fractions.html. The best part that I liked was the money back guarantee that they are offering there. I went ahead and bought Algebrator. It is really user friendly and proves to be a remarkable tool for Pre Algebra.