Our users:
I was afraid of algebra equations. After using Algebrator, the fear has vanished. In fact, I have almost started enjoying doing my algebra homework (I know, it is hard to believe!)
Robert Davis, CA
Before using the program, our son struggled with his algebra homework almost every night. When Matt's teacher told us about the program at a parent-teacher conference we decided to try it. Buying the program was one of the best investments we could ever make! Matts grades went from Cs and Ds to As and Bs in just a few weeks! Thank you!
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Congratulations & Thanks for this wonderful piece of software. It is both challenging and fun.
May Sung, OK
I really like your software. I was struggling with fractions. I had the questions and the answers but couldnt figure how to get from one to other. Your software shows how the problems are solved and that was the answer for me. Thanks.
Zoraya Christiansen
I purchased the Personal Algebra Tutor (PAT). The system is not has functional as I wanted or expected, and there are several problems it will not solve, or certain problems will freeze up the system. The program is OK but there are too many limitations and several technical issues. It took three e-mail from their tech support just to activate the program.
Linda Howard, GA
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