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A solid software and we need more like it. Good job.
Chris Ress, OH
No offense, but Ive always thought that math, especially algebra, just pretty much, well, was useless my whole life. Now that I get it, I have a whole new appreciation for its purpose and need in todays technological world! Plus, I can now honestly pursue my dream of being a video game creator and I probably would have realized too late that, without advanced math, you just cant do it!
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The new version is sooo cool! This is a really great tool will have to tell the other parents about it... No more scratching my head trying to help the kids when I get home from work after a long day, especially when the old brain is starting to turn to mush after a 10 hour day.
Patricia Blackwell, NJ
This new version is a vast improvement over the old one.
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I just wanted to first say your algebra program is awesome! It really helped me it my class! I was really worried about my Algebra class and the step through solving really increased my understanding of Algebra and allowed me to cross check my work and pointed out where I went wrong during my solutions. Thanks!
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