Hello there, I am a high-school student and next month I will have my exams in algebra. I was never a math genius , but now I am worried that I won't be able to finish this course. I came across ti-89 logbase 10 and some other algebra problems that I can’t solve . the following topics really made me panic : graphing function and quadratic inequalities . paying for a a teacher is not possible for me, because I don't have that kind of money. Please help me!!
Can you be a bit more clear about ti-89 logbase 10 ? I possibly could help you if I knew some more . A good quality program provide solution to your problem instead of paying big bucks for a math tutor. I have tried many algebra program and guarantee that Algebrator is the best program that I have found . This Algebrator will solve any math problem that you enter and it also make clear every step of the solution – you can exactly reproduce as your homework assignment. However, this Algebrator should also help you to learn algebra rather than only use it to copy answers.
Yeah, I think so too . Algebrator explains everything in such great detail that even a amateur can learn the tricks of the trade, and solve some of the most difficult mathematical problems. It elaborates on each and every intermediate step that it took to reach a certain solution with such perfection that you’ll learn a lot from it.
I am a regular user of Algebrator. It not only helps me finish my homework faster, the detailed explanations provided makes understanding the concepts easier. I strongly recommend using it to help improve problem solving skills.